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Don't Miss Out! Fall Registration is Open!

Don't Miss Out! Fall Registration is Open!


Dr. Beverly J. Robinson Community Folk Culture Program


Folk Culture

"Experiencing a new culture is like entering a whole new world of sights, sounds, smells, and textures."

Folk Culture is the study of the art, rituals and traditions that permeate our everyday lives. Whether it’s about style, food, music, stories, hobbies or beliefs, interns in the Community Folk Culture Program celebrate our heritage – learning from our past and present to understand our similarities and appreciate our differences. In this program, student interns ages 14-21 learn how to interview, videotape, and present folk artists from the community, create blogs, photos, videos, and a portfolio of their work.

This program is FREE. Participation stipends are offered for qualifying interns.

 Summer 2024 Application deadline is Monday, April 29.

Registration for Community Folk Culture Classes

Recruitment for interns ages 14-21 begins in March/April of each year. Students must submit a completed application and are then invited for an interview. Selected applicants attend an intensive summer workshop program during July and early August. Workshops continue throughout the school year.